Friday 27 November 2020

PREP 27/11/2020

 PREP 27/11/2020

Today at PREP we finished painting the rest of our shelves in the hope to get the shelves a lot more tidier. I was doing all the painting and we were a little low on members for the day because Blaze was at an appointment, Caleb was away for about half of the day and the rest was just our team.

I struggled to stay on task during the painting though and I wish I could've done better on a lot of things. We also ran out of paint during our painting session so I had to use some of the art room paint instead. Our shelves are doing good and look a lot better with the second coat of paint. Caleb brought in another two shelves which aren't going to be painted because we think they look cool on themselves.

Our advertisement is done and we may add some finishing touches to the actual ad, and maybe change the prices, we usually just ask Blaze for confirmation on things so he usually helps us get them done.

Saturday 21 November 2020

PREP project 20/11/2020

 Today at PREP we started painting our shelves and getting them ready for our market sale. We're planning on finishing the rest of the shelves at home. I was struggling a bit to focus on painting because the weather was so hot, but on the other hand, it made it easier to paint the shelves for they dried a lot quicker.  The painting of the shelves was a little slow and I think it would've been easier if we had just painted the outside let them dry and then did the rest in the third block. 

I didn't have enough time to start on my blog because I was doing the painting and I also was doing the currency, so focused that I totally forgot about writing up my blog and reflecting on the day. I wish we had a bigger space to help with the painting, we could've done a lot more than we did but Blaze is painting the rest of the shelves at his house.